[IDNO:380] Re: [discuss] Re: a democracy can defend itself

Karl Auerbach (karl@CaveBear.com)
Tue, 15 Jun 1999 09:35:11 -0700 (PDT)

> >>> Karl Auerbach <karl@CaveBear.com> 06/15/99 11:55AM >>>
> >> ... I do meet that criteria, and therefore I can demand to participate.
> ^^^^^^
> >"Demand" No. "Ask" Yes.

> Ahah! So some criterion other than holding, as an individual, a SLD
> name within com/net/org or a functionally-equivalent (third- or
> higher-level) domain name within other TLDs is required for membersip
> in the IDNO constituency?

Please calm down.

"Partcipation", in the social sense, requires that people listen.

"Participation", in the social, conversational sense, means that you ought
to ask people, politely, to listen to what one wants to say.

Overt "demanding" is a way to get people to simply not listen. And
shouting into the wind is not "participation".

Now had the verb been "to be a member" rather than "to participate", then
the formalisms would have been involved.

By-the-way, you really ought to get rid of that notice at the bottom of
your e-mails. We can't tell if your posting is atty-client or confidental
and if you posted it by mistake.


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