[IDNO-DISCUSS] something's wrong

Dinesh Nair (dinesh@alphaque.com)
Sun, 4 Jul 1999 16:41:09 +0800 (MYT)

fellow idnos,

today i received an invoice from nsi for a domain. i was listed as the
technical and billing contact for the domain registered on june 21, 1999.
there's just one problem: i didnt register the domain, neither do i have
any relationship with the domain owners as listed in the registrant and
admin contact fields. none of the domain's nameservers are the ones i am
in control of either.

i have sent of email to the admin contact and am awaiting that reply. till
then, any advice from this list would be great. for the time being, i'm
assuming that this is probably a typo error when someone accidentally
typed in my handle in the technical and billing contact fields. but if it
isnt and this is intentional, what are my options ?

By the grace of God, /\_/\ "All dogs go to heaven."
dinesh@alphaque.com (0 0)
|for a in past present future; do |
| for b in clients employers associates relatives neighbours pets; do |
| echo "The opinions here in no way reflect the opinions of my $a $b."|
|done; done |

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