Solo cruiser in extremely remote part of s pacific. Anchored at barren desert Island. Exploring, finds an evil looking monkey head on a black pedestal. Absolutely clean and black. No salt, no bird shit, no fading from the sun, reflects very little light, like a black plastic in texture, but can't be moved. SC decides to spend some time studying it., maybe plans to take it back to civilization. [Sub-plot about why SC is alone in the middle of the pacific.] Gets some tools, camping gear, camera, etc from boat, and settles in. Tries to move it. Silver sphere appears , and starts to talk to SC. Statue is actually a prison for a being. Inside it is a chunk of organic matter -- the brain of the criminal, which has been pruned drastically from what it was, leaving only the core necessary to maintain identity. Pedestal includes a power source and artificial intelligence far beyond what our technology can imagine. Also, provides all sustenance and sensory input for the individual inside. -- the only need for organic matter is that it is only organic matter that actually provides awareness. Turns out that the entity inside falls in love w/ Our Hero. They spend weeks together on the island. It gets harder and harder to distinguish reality from fantasy, because the entity learns to alter OH's sensory inputs. Entity offers to make OH like it, connected to an essentially all-powerful energy machine. OH has a family, though, that would be very hard for him to abandon, even though he has already in a sense. Ends when the "warden" shows up, and takes control of the entities machinery. OH wakes to find himself an emaciated skeleton, barely able to move. The warden helps him to his boat, where he finds food and water. He is left wondering if it was all a dream...