Re: Motion to accept Re: PAB charter

From: John Charles Broomfield (
Date: Thu Feb 05 1998 - 13:38:18 PST

Hi Jim,

> It is much more productive to talk about the real issues than phoney
> ones.
> For the Nth time, the proposition is: EuroISPA will urge its members
> to join [fax in a signature] if two conditions are met:
> [1] each can appoint whoever they wish as their representative and
> [2] each designated representative will have as many votes, where
> votes are relevant, as there are organizations appointing him or
> her as their representative.

I presume you have some motives to join the PAB, amongst them to show
for gTLD-MoU, and also to change things you don't like about the whole

With regarding to your second point, it's pretty simple:
Get each ISP to join the system AS IS, have them designate an
person to contribute to PAB (being ISPs, this is NOT difficult, as
the person who is the sysadmin would probably not mind doing so), and as
your FIRST task in changing the way PAB works, get them to voice support
for your "one person=possible multiple votes", as soon as it's obvious
that there's not a consensus on this, you get a call for votes (in which
would obviously participate), and as you are obviously bound to win,
poor suffering sysadmins can now design you as their rep and sign off
list, leaving you with all those votes.
(personally I think that if the sysadmins of those ISP's read our
as to NOT allowing concentration of votes, the motion would not pass,
what the hell, it's only my impression...)

What's your problem with this?

Is it so much to ask of those ISPs a ONE TIME participation?

Yours, John Broomfield.

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