Re: PAB Proposal for support of IANA.

From: Kent Crispin (
Date: Sun Aug 30 1998 - 07:57:28 PDT

On Sun, Aug 30, 1998 at 02:39:02PM +0000, Javier SOLA wrote:
> PAB,
> Here is a proposal for supporting IANA. Please comment on it very quickly
> (language and spelling included), as it needs to be sent almost immediately.
> Javier


Thanks for writing this!

I have also been working on a PAB endorsement, and I have recieved a
couple of comments that I have been incorporating. If you don't mind, I
will incorporate your comments in the work I have done so far, and post the
results in about 12 hours. Is that OK with you?

> The Policy Advisory Body (PAB), created by the signature of the Generic Top
> Level Domain Memorandum of Understanding and now including more than 200
> companies and associations from all around the world, would like to comment
> on the Third Iteration of the Bylaws for the New IANA published by IANA.
> The IFWP process, has, for the last two months, brought together a
> significant number of stakeholders of the Internet from around the world.
> The participants do not represent, by far, the whole of the Community of
> Internet Users, but their participation has permitted discussing some of
> the most important issues regarding the re-engineering of IANA.
> As Tamar Frankel -leader of the IFWP- demanded, consensus search has been
> carried out in small break-out sessions, not in the plenary sessions of
> this meetings, so that we could talk about work-in-progress, and not
> consensus of the Internet Community, which would have been false.
> In spite of this, many of the results of the IFWP seem to reflect clear
> consensus of the Internet Community, and -we believe- have been correctly
> understood by IANA and incorporated in the Third Iteration of the Bylaws.
> In some other issues, the Consensus is not that clear. One of them is the
> type of membership that this organisation will have, a key issue, as any
> non-profit corporation must have members. Almost everybody seems to agree
> that membership organisations should participate in the New IANA as
> members. We support this view. There are opinions in the sense that
> "anybody" could become a member, but this opens the organisation to
> "capture" by a powerful company with many customers, specially if voting
> through proxies is allowed. The model developed for PAB, which seems to
> work quite well, does not allow individual members, and we think it could
> be applied to the New IANA. The participation of specific companies should
> be analysed very carefully, specially if members are a primary source of
> financial stability for the New IANA. None of the funds received by the
> organisation may have any strings attached, nor the possibility of
> attaching them later.
> We encourage IANA to continue with their work towards re-engineering its
> structures to fit into a non-profit organisation that will -in a fair way-
> regulate and manage the common resources of the Internet.
> Javier

Kent Crispin, PAB Chair			"No reason to get excited",			the thief he kindly spoke...
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