Re: PAB IMPORTANT: Straw Poll POC Composition

Peter Mott (
Mon, 8 Dec 1997 07:39:09 +1300

Paul Kane wrote

>Over sufficient time to enable the first phase to take effect- 18 months
>seems about right. The POC proposal would build greater accountability
>and stability in the DNS.

Specifically how do you see this happening?

>A Public RFC should be issued ASAP to notify
>all deliberating this issue at gov level that POC proposes to represent
>a broader internet community. It was implied by IAHC in Geneva, Kuala
>Lumpur, and POC last week in Brussels. The specific representation of
>POC being the subject of "rough" consensus.

In my view playing with the makeup of POC does little to build credibility
or provide broader representation.

It may give the appearance of such, but thats about all.

Broader representation will occur when substantial numbers of organisations
sign the gTLD-MoU. This can only occur when the merits of doing so
are effectively marketed and the benefits explained in plain language
to decision makers around the globe.

POC should be focused on acheiving the above, and ensuring the needs of
the existing signatories are met first.

Peter Mott
Chief Enthusiast
2Day Internet Ltd