Re: PAB POC Observer nominations

Javier SOLA (
Wed, 10 Dec 1997 07:14:52 +0100

At 20:21 9/12/97 -0800, you wrote:
>Nominations seem to be open and we have discussed that any PAB officer
>could be a POC observer. i will second your motion and put both
>on for POC observers.


Please do not confuse the voting anymore. It is the secretary who decides
who has qualified (by accepting the nomination) or not to be in the ballot.
Kent has accepted, but Dan has declined. In case of any doubt, please check
with Robert Connelly.


Javier SOLA

Director - Asociacion de Usuarios de Internet - <>

PAB Observer - Policy Oversight Committee of the gTLD-MoU -

Las opiniones expresadas son personales y pueden no coincidir con las de
otros miembros del Policy Oversight Committee.

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