PAB Domain Name Foes Find Common Ground

Sascha Ignjatovic (
Wed, 1 Apr 1998 23:10:13 +0200 (MET DST)

taken from
and from there

Domain Name Foes Find Common Ground
(03/31/98; 8:05 p.m. EST)
By Mary Mosquera, TechWeb

The Clinton administration and one of its loudest
critics came closer to agreeing on plans to increase
the number of Internet domain names at a House
Science committee hearing Tuesday.

Sitting side by side at the hearing, Ira Magaziner,
the White House's chief technology advisor, and
Jim Courter, spokesman for the Internet Council
of Registrars (CORE), a non-profit group of
international companies created to administer the
registration of domain names, found some
common ground in the debate over how many
registrars, registries and domains should exist.
