Re: PAB Should we speak?

Sascha Ignjatovic (
Tue, 7 Jul 1998 19:21:15 +0200 (MET DST)

good points

would you team up with mr.crispin ?


On Tue, 7 Jul 1998, William Allen Simpson wrote:

> > From: Kent Crispin <>
> > The question: is there an interest in PAB in forming a position on
> > the matter of the "new IANA"?
> Yes. The PAB should specify and review details for the IANA articles of
> incorporation and initial bylaws, and ensure that a "good parts version"
> of the MoU is in place.
> However, the PAB should not officially react to the GIAFWP[a-z]*, merely
> one of many "educational" forums that will take place in the next few
> months. Our focus should be on IANA and making things work, not on
> educating the populi.
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