Re: [IDNO:343] Re: List mechanics

Kent Crispin (
Mon, 14 Jun 1999 11:59:50 -0700

On Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 04:41:23PM +0000, William X. Walsh wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Jun 1999 07:51:28 -0700, Kent Crispin <>
> wrote:
> >You do need to define what is on-topic, then.
> And you still need to address the question about what your intentions
> are here, since you oppose the concepts and goals of the IDNO.

You are incorrect. I do not need to address the question of my
intentions. This is not a police state; I am under no obligation to
report to the "Bureau of Correct Thinking", however it is disguised.
Furthermore, your insistence that I do so is repugnant to the very
notion of a democratic forum.

In fact, I think it is pretty clear that your whole line of attack
(and I use the word "attack" advisedly) is fundamentally off-topic,
and should be discontinued. I will register a formal complaint with
the list manager, if you continue.

> Your silence on this question is perhaps the most telling thing. If
> your intentions were positive, there would be no hesitation in
> presenting an answer.
> That you have repeatedly refused to answer the question is turning
> into proof enough of your intentions.

1) It is proof of nothing.
2) My intentions are completely immaterial.
3) My intentions are unclear, even to myself.
4) This whole discussion is an unproductive waste of time, and *I* am
not the one pushing it.

Kent Crispin                               "Do good, and you'll be                           lonesome." -- Mark Twain