Re: [IDNO-DISCUSS] Re: domain name

Bradley D. Thornton (
Tue, 13 Jul 1999 08:29:51 -0700

Serious talk on a future and communications evolution our organization must
transcend. Again, I will state for the record that I see us as an
organization that will expand it's role, not narrow it's focus. Our
varoious constituenies will provide the narrow scope and the parent
organization (Our superset if you will) will pack the lobbying and dund
raising power.

but if your going to talk acronyms, again, not my fav.... although a three
letter acronym is easy to swallow. Take for example, RCA CBS, NBC, BBC,
NBA, NFL, NHL, MGA (Mitsubishi Group America wasn't the meaning at first -
in fact it didn't mean anything but the execs at Mitsubishi said they
needed a three letter acronym to cpmete with the other biggies in marketing
like IBM, ABC, etc... The name for the letters came later -the story I got
anyway when I worked for them years ago.)

Also, as you said already NRA. I cannot, however, think of many acronyms
more than three letters that really do it for me. Oh sure, there's the
NCAA, the ACLU, the NAACP, Great post!

A Gehring wrote:

> Thank you Sri,
> Names are powerful. I've been giving much thought to this wrt to the
> CA, during my struggle to get back online.
> We really need a name that 'just sais it', I am not a huge fan of the
> Cyberspace a name, in part because 'CA' represents Certificate
> Authority, California, or Canada to me, and mostly because I foresee a
> convergence of the big three communication technologies (tv,phone,&
> internet) coming very fast.
> Soon lay folk will no longer be talking about cyberspace. I would like
> to come up with a name that survives this transition so when the masses
> buy their individual domains they assume our association is representing
> their
> interests. Like the NRA, if you own a gun; it is a no brainer to figure
> out who is protecting your rights.
> In fact, I feel strongly that we have many parallels to the NRA. In the
> communication age it will be the individuals right and ability to blast
> packets through cyberspace that yields food for the family dinner table
> and protects society from the natural entropic decline of democracy
> toward fascism and tyranny. Owning a domain name is akin to controlling
> a little hill to farm, hunt, and shoot from.
> I have yet to find a better name to replace the CA. How about: the
> International Association for Names and Numbers. Ok. I like that: IANN.
> Every one on the planet can identify with the importance of their
> name and the numbers that get associated with their person. They will
> automatically assume that we are the association that represents their
> individual interests in the global fora concerned with communication
> governance.
> We also so need to pass the mutli-cultural test. The name should sound
> good in at least the top seven languages and cultures. Above all, we
> need a name that 'just sais it', straight out plain and so simple that
> everyone will know that we are the people who protect, advance and
> represent their individual right to own and bear communication
> properties.
> We will not only be able to post candidates, prepared to represent the
> interests of individuals, to the IDNO, DNSO, and the ICANN; but we will
> be expected to grow and participate in any local, national, and
> international governing body that affects law or policy impacting
> individual communication rights.
> More names and summary; Brainstorming session:
> 1.) IANN International Association for Names and Numbers. *****
> Fair
> 2.) ICRA International Communication Rights Association. ***** Good
> 3.) IDNA International Domain Name Association. ***** Too Narrow
> 4.) CRA Communication Rights Association. ******* Better
> Arnold Gehring
> -
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                               (o o)
     | Bradley D. Thornton             "So foul a sky clears    |
     | Mgr NetWork Services             not without a storm"    |
     | NOMAD Internetwork                      - Shakespeare -  |
     |                                |
     |-----On the Beaches of Super Sunny Southern California----|

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