Re: PAB Composition of POC

From: David W. Maher (
Date: Fri Jan 09 1998 - 15:49:06 PST

If I may put my oar in on this, please bear in mind that the current
proposal for expansion of the POC contemplates a revision of the gTLD-MoU
to reflect the entirely different make-up of the POC. It has always been
the intention of POC that (a) it would evolve to a much broader base of
membership, and (b) it would remain the policy body, while CORE, as a
separate entity, is the operational body.
 (CORE members may, of course, become members of PAB, which will give them
a vote on POC membership.)
David Maher

At 05:54 PM 1/9/98 +1300, Peter Mott wrote:
>>> The gTLD-MoU has a somewhat autocratic approach to control and decision
>>> making. It basically gives POC the right to run the show as it sees fit.
>>Thats really not true. First of all, the POC is under dramatic
>>external political pressure. Second of all, the POC's members are all
>>selected by other bodies which thus hold the power to indirectly
>>influence the POC's decisions.
>I was talking about what the MoU says, not what POC says or has done.
>Your response actually reinforces what I say. Because the MoU gives POC
>so much control, everybody wants to get in there and make sure POC does
>what they want.
>POC could become so pre-occupied with its own survival that it looses sight
>of other parts of the organisation. This I think would be a detriment to
>the entire process.
>Peter Mott
>2Day Internet Limited.

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