> Registration database: The system is designed so that delayed requests
> are queued at the registrar (at least it was when I was involved). So
> the bottom line is that if you can rebuild the system in 24 hours at a
> different location you probably have adequate security. To do that
> you need 1) distributed warm backups of the current databases, 2)
> distributed copies of the software and configuration data, and 3)
> machines that can be converted to the purpose in a short time (and for
> a relatively short time, probably, since the primary site would
> certainly be insured and rebuilt).
OK. That looks correct. Did it work? Were there _distributed_
backups? The machines seemed to be able to get back up and working in a
relatively short time.
Key fingerprint = 17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26 DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32