PAB Comments on the Technical Management of Internet Domain Names + apel for a global internet gover

Sascha Ignjatovic ()
Tue, 24 Mar 1998 02:17:31 +0100 (MET)

pab hier is my humble and strange comment on the ...

take a look hier if you like becouse i dont know if they would publish
them :-)

ps.the adress of mr.irving was wrong-i have not the right one

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 02:01:26 +0100 (MET)
From: Sascha Ignjatovic <>
"vinton g. cerf" <>,,
don heath <>
Subject: Comments on the Technical Management of Internet Domain Names + apel for a global internet governance cooperation and establishement

dear vice president al gore
dear mr.magaziner
ntia doc officers

please accept my humble respect and sory for bad english

thank you very much for your leadership in anageging
the government of the united states of america
in the matter of global internet

we apreciate very much your efforts to establish a stable and progresiv
internet infrastructure wich on itself would become the main
infrastructure for management of many societys systems and probably
the global internet could be the first intelligent common-management
infrastructure of the planet earth

in this way i would humbly request you to further angage the goverment of
the USA in the effort to build a planetar infrastructure

hope you understand very well that the global internet can not be
directed by one nation allone and that the best way to angage the many
governments in the matter of internet and cyberspace could be to build
a common ground for discussion like the united nations are in many other

so i request you humbly again to take into consideration the benefit
the international political cooperation would have on global internet
development and to help to establish a "information/internet societys"
competence for the united nations

a global cooperation and coordiantion is requayered

internet is not only "electronic commerce" but hase also a
religious scientific political economical cultural and working aspect

so we sugest a building of a special internet policy matters departement
within the office of the vice president al gore who is in our opinion
very advanced in understanding the visions of the future planetar societys
and should lead the national governments in the effort
international/global cooperation

regarding the matters of the

internet domain name system

please allove me to make a humble sugestion

i am a signator of the gtld-mou and also a member
of the pab-policy advisory board to the poc-policy oversight committee
wich oversees the core-council of registrars

their gtld-mou plan for the evolution of the internet dns as sugested by
the internet society and iana may be not perfect in any details but
it is the best around :-)

i have respect for your green paper contribution but in my limited
understanding of the matter-as nearly 90 % of the comments you have
received the preference of the broad internet community is for the
direction the isoc iana and gtld-mou have geved to the process

so finaly i beg you with all to me available humility to accept the
cooperation with the people and organisations who hase worked very well
for the benefit and leaded the global internet and continues to do so
like dr.vinton cerf and dr.jon postel to name the most prominent of them
and mr.don heath the most active one speack isoc iana and of course the
gtld-mou organisations poc/core/pab/

i respect and wellcome the rolle of the US government as leader and
mediatior in internet related processes and hope you will be ablle to
particiapate in and lead other nations and governments toward a
better understanding of the imens potential the global internet hase for
the progres of the humanity by starting a process
within the united nations where the governments of the planet earth could
discuss the influance and benefit the internet could have on the planeth
and cooperate with the natural autorithys founders and visioners of the

internet of the planet earth

thank you very much
sascha ignjatovic
individual internet society member
proposed internet society
chapter of vienna president
0043 1 796 2823 home
0043 676 33 18398 cellular phone
koelblgasse 21-3
1030 vienna

ps.please allove me to use this oportunity to thank mr.gore for starting
many years from now the advancement of the government into the field
of information society and to lead it in the further

like to thank mr.michael nelson who as the secretary of at this time
senator gore hase recomenden me to the internet society and so broth
me in contact with dr.vinton cerf

like to thank dr.vinton cerf for the tremendous work he and his
collegues have done in "building" protecting and advancing the
global internet and i still accept dr..cerf as the leading authority
for the planetar internet

like to thank dr.jon postel for his pioniering and great work and his
continued leadership for the benefit of global internet
i also consider dr.postel as one of the highest internet authority on

and also like to thank mr.don heath for his great angagement and
leadership wich is based on deep and wide understanding of the
tremendous benefit the internet could have on humanity and consider
him as one of the global internet authority