PAB Re: your mail

From: Sascha Ignjatovic (
Date: Fri Dec 19 1997 - 18:54:21 PST

On Fri, 19 Dec 1997, Rick H. Wesson wrote:

> All:
> The following organizations are marked as signing a letter of
> intent to sign the gTLD-MoU, but have not yet signed and deposited
> a document with the ITU.
> Please let me know if you are listed below and think that
> you have signed the gTLD-MoU.
> -rick

mr.rick why things are messed up like this

on the list i see some organisations who seems to have already signed
the mou-as i remember hase stated that he hase put out all
organisations who hase not signed the mou out of the pab signatory list

also the problem that people who say thay have already sigend the mou
hase not get the voting balots so many of us already send in the balots
now most of us get balots to vote 5 time in row

those who hase already sended in the balots dont need again the
balots-this caused them to think their vote was note araiving so they
probably have to send it again

i see that you now try to get over the gtld-mou signatory and
pab list/member data but i dont understand why the data you have received
from are messed up such way that the wholle busines is
starting now
i can imagine that it is not easy to track all developments simultaneously
in the itu but can there for the future be a better way to handle new
entrys in gtld-mou signatory list and from them the one who wish to
participate in pab and handle than the pab datas in a clean way

hope very much that this problem will also be solved soon and thank you
and the itu staf for the work


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