The voice of PAB is strong only when it acts as one body.
We should have a PAB position on the issue of POC Composition, which should=
be communicated to POC by the Chairman. Single PAB members responding to=
PAB or POC do not have that strength. We need to prepare a document and=
agree on it.
Javier SOLA - <color><param>0000,0000,ffff</param>
</color>Director - Asociacion de Usuarios de Internet
Observer - Policy Oversight Committee of the gTLD-MoU
Tel: 902-21.03.23 Fax: 91-344.14.25
Av. Alberto Alcocer, 46 Dup. 5=BA C - 28016 Madrid
Comte d'Urgell, 143 1=BA 1=AA - 08036 Barcelona