Re: (Nearly) everything is feasible

Kent Crispin (
Wed, 23 Dec 1998 09:56:08 -0800

On Wed, Dec 23, 1998 at 09:45:08AM -0500, Bret A. Fausett wrote:
> Sascha Ignjatovic wrote:
> >i am also requesting for a boiled down versimplfyde and easy to understand
> >presentation of what are the main isues and goals
> >From my point of view, the goal is not to decide substantive domain name
> issues now (whatever they may be), but to create a vehicle that is fair,
> representative, international, open, and transparent by which those
> substantive policy issues can be addressed in the future. The successful
> DNSO will create a structure that provides such openness and fairness,
> does not prejudge the merits of any substantive issues, and does not
> guarantee any particular outcome.

I would add "and not stifled by bureaucracy or organizational
complexity" to that list of requirements. No matter how fair, open,
transparent, etc; an ineffective organization is ineffective.

> No small task.
> But the goal should be to create a deliberative body, not to deliberate
> the substantive DNS issues now.

No question about that. We have been down that rathole many, many

> -- Bret
> (I've been scorched enough on this list; if you disagree, please comment
> on the merits of what I wrote and refrain from impugning my motives, my
> profession, my rugged good looks, etc.)

An observation from long experience: In this arena being scorched is
simply part of the scene. One has to work hard to not let things get
under one's skin, and one is almost certain to lose it on occasion.

But, on the plus side, it is an environment very conducive to certain
kinds of personal growth, if one can take advantage of it...


Kent Crispin, PAB Chair				"Do good, and you'll be				lonesome." -- Mark Twain